Self-Observation and Self-Remembering

Two characteristics encapsulate the contemporary man: the overoccupation, alternating with the hunger to indulge in the varied seductions of our time, in the relentless burden without rest. On the other hand, we see him in boredom, unable to find meaning in his life, having to depend on imposed circumstances, constantly hunting for entertainment, seeking distraction.

Both ways of living, observed both separately and together, alternating and continuously exchanging according to external and internal motivations within the same individual, indicate that we are, in a certain way, slaves to circumstances. Slaves to causality, to events that lead us, drag us, and guide us along paths while we are asleep, without truly realizing where we are being taken.

Once we realize this situation, we are astonished, and in that moment, we manage to find a moment of tranquility and silence to begin, without much knowledge or disciplined practices, to observe ourselves. At that point, we ask ourselves:

Why do I have to be the way I am? Why do I let myself be dragged by circumstances and life situations? Why can't I be the master of myself?

These questions, like fire within a person, will not leave us in peace. When such questions arise sincerely, a person will quietly seek their solution. A superficial person will always seek the culprit outside of themselves; it will never be themselves.

So, we begin to observe ourselves. Of course, we forget to observe ourselves when we resume the routine of everyday life. When we are back on the streets and start running, hurrying tirelessly, or when we find that entertainments have a stronger seductive force on us.

But the moment to pause again in the rush of life, seek silence, and find the opportunity to observe our surroundings will not be missed. Remember that once we have observed ourselves and discovered something, no matter how small, it represents great value to us today. The value lies in moving forward and continuing to observe ourselves. On this path of observation, we will discover ourselves. This may frighten us. Certainly, this path is for the brave and daring. Over time, we discover that to understand others, we must understand ourselves. We will also find a connection between my world and the external world.

At that moment, we discover that there is a close link between both worlds if we have taken the necessary time and patience for it.

In such observation, we include our reactions to what happens. These sensations, those impressions related to the world of thought, ideas, make us see that we have a mental center with its own specific functions. On the other hand, we notice that there is an emotional center with its vast world, from coarse sensations to the highest feelings and perceptions, or we notice the existence of the motor center with its own mechanical laws. In addition to these centers, we note a marked emphasis on everything related to sex. In other words, we also have a sexual center that needs to be governed to be truly effective in life. The last center, which is quite unknown in general, is the instinctive center, which operates without our real care.

When we learn how these centers function and understand their specific characteristics, their relationship with each other, that is when we can successfully carry out the observation described earlier. These centers receive impressions from the external world, and it is crucial how we process, organize, and classify these impressions in these centers. Only then can they be useful to us in discovering ourselves. Thus, we have to register many errors resulting from the misuse of the centers, and such errors have promoted and continue to keep us in the illusion of seeing reality. Religions have spoken a lot about the need to Awaken, to be born again, to convert, etc.

Man, as we see him, and we ourselves, find ourselves in a state of sleep. In this dream, like the one we experience while resting in bed, where we confuse ourselves with that reality, take it as reality, and do not realize that we are dreaming, similarly, in the waking state, we dream that we are witnessing our entire reality. Such confusion comes from the wrong use we have given to the centers, from our ignorance of ourselves by not observing and remembering ourselves during the day. Remembering is staying in the present; it is a state of being conscious, and only in such a state of consciousness do we see the fullness of reality, the real possibilities of man; it is the state where there is a transformation in us, and where the world will also transform. Only then will there be a possibility of living together in peace and understanding among men, where we will know how to love entirely, knowing how to belong to the family of all this wonderful creation.

